Tambahkan stiker terbaru dan terlucu dari sinetron komedi Dunia Terbalik untuk aplikasi WhatsApp, dan buat obrolanmu makin menarik dengan kumpulan ekspresi lucu dan konyol Sarkum, Goceng, Dadang Pedut, Idoy, Kemed, dan kawan-kawan!
1. Desain stiker ringan dan cepat diunduh
2. Tambahkan sticker pack mudah dengan satu ketukan tombol
3. Kompatibel dengan versi WA terbaru 2019
4. Instal sticker offline tanpa kuota internet
5. Koleksi stiker lengkap dan semua gratis
1. This app is not affiliated in any way to WhatsApp Inc or any of its affiliates
2. This app complies to WhatsApp TOS related to distribution of WhatsApp Stickers
3. App does not store any user's information
Add the latest and funniest stickers from the Reverse World comedy soap opera to the WhatsApp application, and make your chat even more interesting with a collection of funny and silly expressions Sarkum, Goceng, Dadang Pedut, Idoy, Kemed, and friends!
1. Light and fast sticker design is downloaded
2. Add a sticker pack easily with one tap of a button
3. Compatible with the latest WA version 2019
4. Install stickers offline without internet quota
5. Complete sticker collection and all free
1. This app is not affiliated in any way to WhatsApp Inc. or any of its affiliates
2. This app complies to WhatsApp TOS related to distribution of WhatsApp Stickers
3. The app does not store any user's information